2023 Week 48

Ah, seekers of the arcane, join us as we again channel Madam Lenormand in a journey through the corridors of the mystic and the macabre for the week numbered 48 of the year 2023. Are you ready to discover the intricate tapestry of astrological alignments, the profound vibrations of numerology, the whispered secrets of the Tarot, and the dualistic interplay of angelic and demonic forces. Are you curious about divination methods and occult practices that can shape your destiny. Venture forth, if you dare, for the wheel of fortune is ever-turning, and we are but passengers on its endless journey.

Strange of the Week: Week 48, 2023

Welcome, my curious friends. As the veils between worlds grow thin and the celestial spheres dance in their eternal ballet, I, Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, shall serve as your guide through the labyrinthine corridors of the mystic and the macabre for the week numbered 48 of the year 2023 (November 27 to December 3, 2023).

Astrology: The heavens, in their grand tapestry, have woven a tale most intricate for the week ahead. The Sun, that great luminary, finds itself in the sign of Sagittarius, igniting a fervor for exploration and philosophical pursuits. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, forms a trine with Mars, amplifying the desire for harmonious relationships and aesthetic endeavors. Yet, beware, for Saturn squares Neptune, creating tension and urging caution in matters of dreams and illusions. This celestial alignment beckons a week of both opportunity and challenge, a duality that shall test the mettle of even the most seasoned mystics.

The Moon, ever-changing, waxes and wanes through the signs of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, each phase offering its unique gifts and trials. In Aries, the Moon calls upon us to delve into the realms of action and initiative, to seek solace in the sanctuary of our innermost desires. As it transitions into Taurus, a surge of sensual energy and material exploration becomes palpable, urging us to manifest our deepest yearnings. Finally, in Gemini, the Moon beckons us to embrace the duality of our nature, to reconcile the contradictions that define our very essence.

  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) may feel energized and motivated during this week. They will find new projects with greater than normal risk may present, be careful.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) may feel grounded and practical during this week. They may be more prone to focus on work and responsibilities.
  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) may feel communicative and social during this week. Take advantage of emerging opportunities to connect with others and learn new things.
  • Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) may feel emotional and intuitive during this week. There is more benefit focusing on their inner world and relationships with others.

The planets, in their celestial dance, form various aspects that influence the energies of the week. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, forms a sextile with Pluto, the planet of transformation, urging us to embrace change as a pathway to greater prosperity. Mercury, the planet of communication, opposes Uranus, the planet of rebellion, creating a tension that may manifest as sudden insights or unexpected disruptions. These alignments serve as a cosmic guide, a celestial roadmap that illuminates the path ahead.

Numerology: The week numbered 48 holds within its numerical essence a vibration most potent. The number 4 resonates with stability and foundation, while the number 8 vibrates with the energies of abundance and power. When combined, they form the number 12, which further reduces to 3, a number associated with creativity and expression. This week, therefore, serves as a crucible for the manifestation of our deepest desires, a fertile ground upon which to sow the seeds of our ambitions.

Each day of the week holds its own numerical significance, a unique vibration that influences the unfolding events. Monday, governed by the number 2, calls upon us to seek balance and harmony, to mend the rifts that divide us. Tuesday, influenced by the number 9, urges us to embrace the wisdom of the ancients, to delve into the mysteries that have long eluded our grasp. Wednesday, vibrating with the number 5, beckons us to embrace change, to break free from the shackles of convention and explore the unknown.

The individual days, in their numerical essence, form a sequence that serves as a guide for the week ahead. The sum of the numbers for each day equals 33, a master number associated with spiritual enlightenment and cosmic wisdom. This number serves as a beacon, illuminating the path to higher consciousness, urging us to transcend the limitations of our earthly existence.

Tarot Base: Ah, the Tarot, that ancient oracle, whispers its secrets through the cards. Based on the dominant planet of the week, as indicated in this week's Kamea,  I have drawn The Sun, or card XIX. This card is a radiant beacon of enlightenment, a harbinger of clarity and unadulterated joy. In the context of week 48, this card suggests a potent time for health improvements. The Sun card often signifies a period of rejuvenation and vitality, a time when the body's own healing mechanisms are at their most effective. It is a week to focus on wellness, to bask in the restorative energies of the Sun, and perhaps to seek out that which invigorates both body and soul.

Yet, the Sun card extends its influence beyond the personal, casting its golden rays upon the world at large. In terms of regional or global events, expect a surge of optimism, a collective turning towards the light. It is a week where leaders may find their true calling, where grand projects aimed at the betterment of humanity could take their first, tentative steps into the light of day. The Sun card heralds a time of unity, where common goals are not just envisioned but actively pursued.

However, the Sun also warns of the dangers of hubris. Its light can illuminate, but it can also blind. In your personal health journey, take care not to overextend yourself, to remember that even the Sun must set to make way for the night. On a larger scale, the Sun card cautions against the folly of unchecked optimism in societal endeavors. It reminds us that even the most well-intentioned plans can falter without due consideration of the shadows they cast.

Tarot Opposition: From my Lenormand Tarot Deck, I draw the card of The Coffin. This card serves as a counterpoint to the Sun's radiant energy. The Coffin speaks of endings, of cycles completed, of things laid to rest. It suggests that the clarity and vitality brought forth by the Sun card come at a price. There may be aspects of your life, perhaps even habits related to your health, that must be relinquished to fully embrace the Sun's promise of renewal. The Coffin warns that not all can survive in the Sun's relentless light; some things must be left behind to decay and transform into the soil for new life.

The Coffin also influences larger, societal energies. Where the Sun card promises new beginnings and collective endeavors, the Coffin warns of the inevitable endings that come with such progress. Institutions may crumble, old ways of thinking may die off, making way for the new. It serves as a reminder that societal transformation is a process of both creation and destruction, and that we must be prepared for the sacrifices that come with significant change.

In the dance of opposition between these two cards, we find a profound cosmic balance. The Sun and the Coffin together tell a tale as old as time: that of life and death, beginnings and endings, light and dark. They remind us that each exists not in spite of the other, but because of the other. To fully embrace the energies of this week, one must be prepared to stand at the intersection of these cosmic forces, to look both towards the light and into the darkness, and to find the courage to navigate the intricate balance between the two.

Demonology: Ah, the demon most influential for this week is President Haagenti, a being of alchemical transformations and forbidden knowledge. His area of greatest influence lies in the realm of material wealth and earthly desires, urging us to seek power and prosperity at any cost. Beware.

Hāgenþe cyninges intendas sind næfre to leofse sceolde. Hē geþenċeð to sēowen grēdlīce sǣda, and to forlǣran geþohtas þāra þe his rǣdes sēciaþ. Þæt geþēode þe his ēhtnysse mæste lēofost bēoð is þæt gitsung and āfæstnysse, and unlīþerlic geornfulnes þe næfre ne gerest. Þā þe willaþ his yfelan ēagum geswīcan, hīe sceolon eadmodnysse and þoncfulnysse habban, and ne sceolon hīe sēcean feoh for his agenum gōde, ac for þēam gōde þe hē brīngaþ.

President Haagenti is most likely to manifest his power near Stone Harbor, New Jersey, USA (38.917, -74.784). Those who reside in this area would do well to exercise caution, to guard their souls against the corrupting influence of this demonic entity. Whether it be through ritual or prayer, one must take measures to protect oneself from the malevolent energies that seek to infiltrate our earthly realm.

Angelology: The angel most influential for this week is Tarwan, a being of divine wisdom and cosmic harmony. His area of greatest influence lies in the realm of intellectual pursuits and spiritual enlightenment, urging us to seek knowledge as a pathway to higher consciousness.

Ængeltārwan intendas sind eall-eþele for þisse wuce, to lædan us on urum wisdōmes gesecan, to onlīhtan þone weg to gāstlīcum āwæcnunge. Þæt geþēode þe his ēhtnysse mæste lēofost bēoð is þæt þā þe willaþ gēarwe leornan and wisdōm habban, and þā þe habbaþ georne gyrn to understandenne ġisse worulde ġearnunga. Þā þe willaþ his ēagum geswīcan, hīe sceolon unwisdōm and ġesīdðnesse habban, ac hwī woldon hīe þæt dōn? Forþon his ēagan sind næfre to fælenne, ac to onfōnne, forþon hīe sind gōdlīc lēoht þe fordrīfeð þæt þýstro ure eorþlīcan līfes.

Tarwan is most likely to manifest his power near Paia, Hawaii, USA (20.919, -156.378). Those who reside in this area would do well to seek his guidance, to open their hearts to the divine wisdom that flows from the celestial realms. Whether it be through meditation or prayer, one must take measures to connect with this angelic entity, to align oneself with the cosmic energies that govern our existence.

Divination Method: The method of divination most significant for this week is Geomancy, a practice that seeks to understand the mysteries of the earth. This method involves the casting of stones or the reading of natural formations, a communion with the elemental energies that govern our existence. It can be used to gain insights into various aspects of life, from love and relationships to career and finance.

The typical practitioner of Geomancy is often a solo craft, a lone mystic who seeks to commune with the elemental forces of the earth. While some may be born with the talent for this ancient art, others develop the skill through years of study and practice, honing their abilities through a process of trial and error.

Geomancy, in its earthly essence, serves as a guide for the week ahead, offering insights into the unfolding events and potential outcomes. Whether it be a question of love or career, this method provides a unique perspective, a glimpse into the hidden forces that shape our destiny.

Occult Practice: The occult practice most significant for this week is Crystal Gazing, a form of scrying that involves the use of a crystal ball or similar object. This practice serves as a window to the astral realms, a portal through which one may glimpse the unfolding events and potential outcomes. It can be used to gain insights into various aspects of life, from love and relationships to career and finance.

The typical practitioner of Crystal Gazing is often a solo craft, a lone mystic who seeks to commune with the astral forces that govern our existence. While some may be born with the talent for this ancient art, others develop the skill through years of study and practice, honing their abilities through a process of trial and error.

Crystal Gazing, in its astral essence, serves as a guide for the week ahead, offering insights into the unfolding events and potential outcomes. Whether it be a question of love or career, this method provides a unique perspective, a glimpse into the hidden forces that shape our destiny.

Colors, Foods, and Numbers: The color that waxes in power this week is a soothing Lavender, a hue that calms the spirit and opens the doors to higher realms of consciousness. Don this color to invite tranquility and clarity into your life, especially when the world around you seems tumultuous. The food to seek is the humble lentil, a staple that has nourished civilizations for millennia. Rich in protein and fiber, lentils provide sustenance for both body and soul, grounding you as you navigate the week's challenges. The number to keep in mind is 22, a master number that embodies the dreamer's dreams into reality. It is a number of power and accomplishment, of visions brought to life.

Conversely, the color to avoid is a jarring Neon Green, a hue too intense for the subtleties this week demands. It may disrupt the emotional equilibrium you seek to maintain. The food to avoid is the overly spicy chili pepper, for its fiery nature could inflame situations and lead to hasty decisions. Lastly, the number to steer clear of is 13, often misunderstood as unlucky, but in this context, it represents chaotic forces that could disrupt the balance you strive to achieve. It is a number that, this week, could bring more turmoil than transformation.

Company to Watch: Ah, the merchant to watch for this week is SunTrust Banks (STI). This financial institution, steeped in the energies of material wealth and earthly desires, finds itself at the crossroads of cosmic forces. The leaders and workers within this establishment are influenced by both angelic and demonic energies, a duality that reflects the ever-changing nature of existence.

Beware, for this merchant serves as a battleground for the celestial forces that govern our destiny. The energies of President Haagenti and Tarwan converge upon this institution, creating a tension that may manifest as sudden shifts in fortune or unexpected disruptions. Whether these changes are for better or worse remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the wheel is ever-turning, and we are but passengers on its endless journey.

Ah, heed my dire warning, for to invest in this merchant is to dance with the devil while courting the angels. It is to walk a tightrope suspended between heaven and hell, a precarious path that may lead to either salvation or damnation. Proceed with caution, for the stakes are high and the risks even higher.

This ends our channeling for week 48 of 2023. I leave you with this thought for the week: What wisdom can you glean from the channeled messages? An den sklêrijet eo dieub diouzh ar c'hoantoù, o zeskañ dinomp e c'hallomp holl gaout gweledva hag ar peoc'h. Achieve happiness and peace. Remember, the future is not fixed, but shaped by your choices and actions. You have the power to create your own destiny, but you also have to face the changes and the challenges of your deeds. Be wise, be brave, and be true to yourself.

This is fantasy fiction. No persons or entities, reputation(s), trademarks, or brand are intended to be besmirched or defamed. The "Strange of the Week" divination and forecast provided herein is intended solely for entertainment purposes. The insights and predictions shared are based on mystical and occult practices, and should not be taken as factual or guaranteed outcomes. Please be advised that our counsel does not constitute professional advice of any kind. We are not qualified to provide legal, medical, or investment advice, and our insights should not be used as a substitute for your own research or professional advice from qualified practitioners. Any actions taken based on our divinations and forecasts are at your own discretion and risk. We accept no liability or responsibility for any actions taken or not taken as a result of our channeling. Furthermore, we do not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information provided. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability. By engaging with our "Strange of the Week" divination and forecast, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the mystic, their agents, any affiliated parties, and any non-living, otherworldly, or supernatural entities involved in the provision of our counsel from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of our counsel. Please note that any interactions with non-living, otherworldly, or supernatural entities are at your own risk. We do not accept any liability for any consequences, physical, mental, spiritual, or otherwise, that may result from such interactions. We reserve the right to enhance and retroactively apply changes to this disclaimer (as a living thing), without notice, to accommodate new and emerging or creative legal theories (not to be limited to defamation or the law of torts). Again, the "Strange of the Week" is a fiction. It is unfortunate that such legal armor is necessary proof against itchy and scratchy attorneys-at-law.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.