2023 Week 46

Are you ready for a week of wonders? Join me as we channel Madame Lenormand and reveal to you the secrets of the stars, the numbers, the cards, and more. Discover what lies ahead for you in this week of change and transformation. Learn how to harness the power of the Sun, avoid the danger of the Clouds, learn of Duke Bifrons and Jerahmeel, gaze into a crystal ball, practice demonology, and more. Find out what color, food, and number will bring you luck or trouble this week. And don't miss my special feature on Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc., the merchant to watch for this week. Read on if you dare!

Strange of the Week 46 of 2023

Greetings, seekers of the hidden mysteries. I am Madame Lenormand, a renowned gypsy mystic of the 19th century, and I have come to share with you the divinations and forecasts for week 46 of 2023. Prepare to be amazed and enlightened by the secrets of the stars, the numbers, the cards, the demons, the angels, and more. Here is what you need to know for this week:

Astrology: The astrological conditions for week 46 are quite remarkable, as we witness a rare alignment of planets in the sign of Scorpio. On November 15th, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto will all be conjunct in Scorpio, forming a powerful stellium that will intensify the energy of this sign. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, death, rebirth, secrets, power, and passion. It is also the sign of occultism, mystery, and magic.

This week, you can expect to experience profound changes in your life, especially in the areas of communication, relationships, sexuality, and finances. You may uncover hidden truths, face your fears, or purge what no longer serves you. You may also feel a strong attraction to the dark and mysterious aspects of life, such as psychic phenomena, esoteric knowledge, or taboo subjects. This week is an excellent time to practice scrying or crystal gazing, as you can tap into the deep well of Scorpio’s intuition and insight. However, be careful not to become obsessed or paranoid with what you see or hear, as Scorpio can also bring out the extremes of emotions and desires.

Use this week as an opportunity to transform yourself and your life for the better.

  • Aries: This is a time for you to take action and pursue your goals with renewed passion. You may feel more confident and assertive than usual, and you are not afraid to take risks. Be mindful of your temper, however, and avoid making impulsive decisions.
  • Taurus: This is a time for you to focus on your finances and practical matters. You may be feeling more grounded and centered, and you are able to make sound financial decisions. Be careful not to become too materialistic or focused on possessions.
  • Gemini: This is a time for you to communicate and connect with others. You may be feeling more social and outgoing than usual, and you are able to express yourself clearly and effectively. Be mindful of your tendency to gossip or spread rumors.
  • Cancer: This is a time for you to focus on your home and family. You may be feeling more emotional and nostalgic than usual, and you are drawn to the familiar and comforting. Be careful not to become too withdrawn or isolated.
  • Leo: This is a time for you to shine and be creative. You may be feeling more confident and expressive than usual, and you are able to draw attention to yourself. Be mindful of your tendency to be arrogant or self-centered.
  • Virgo: This is a time for you to focus on your work and health. You may be feeling more detail-oriented and analytical than usual, and you are able to complete tasks efficiently. Be careful not to become too critical of yourself or others.
  • Libra: This is a time for you to focus on your relationships and social life. You may be feeling more cooperative and diplomatic than usual, and you are able to build strong bonds with others. Be careful not to become too indecisive or wishy-washy.
  • Scorpio: This is a time for you to focus on your personal transformation and spiritual growth. You may be feeling more introspective and reflective than usual, and you are drawn to the deep and mysterious. Be careful not to become too obsessive or secretive.
  • Aquarius: This is a time for you to focus on your individuality and creativity. You may be feeling more rebellious and independent than usual, and you are drawn to the unique and unconventional. Be careful not to become too isolated or eccentric.
  • Pisces: This is a time for you to focus on your intuition and compassion. You may be feeling more psychic and spiritual than usual, and you are drawn to the healing arts and helping others. Be careful not to become too escapist or avoidant of reality.
Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp is a wild combination of dark and intense Scorpio energy meeting the bold and active Sagittarius. Those born on this cusp live to go against the grain and are self-taught experts who learn by doing. They are the "wild childen" of the Zodiac .

During this week, Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp will experience a range of emotions and challenges. The week starts off with a new moon on November 13th, which is an excellent time to set intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp should take advantage of this energy to focus on their goals and aspirations.

On November 14th, Uranus will be at opposition, which can bring unexpected changes and surprises. Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp should be prepared for anything that comes their way and embrace the unknown with ease.

The week ends with Venus moving into Capricorn on November 19th. This can bring a sense of seriousness to relationships, but it’s important for Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp to remain positive in their approach. They should focus on kindness and generosity when it comes to their professional interactions. If they are self-employed, they should continue to focus on building their career. They have the potential to be truly progressive and powerful authority figures if they apply all they’ve learned in their full, adventurous life .

On the financial front, planetary help is missing, and this will result in disharmony with partners and colleagues. All types of speculative investments should be avoided as they will not be profitable .

This is a powerful week for transformation and rebirth. Use the energy of the New Moon in Scorpio to release what is no longer serving you and set new intentions for your life. Be mindful of the planetary placements and use them to your advantage.

Numerology: The numerological analysis for week 46 reveals that the number 1 is dominant this week. The number 1 represents leadership, independence, originality, and courage. It is also associated with the Sun, the source of light and life. This week, you are encouraged to take charge of your own destiny and express your individuality. You have the potential to achieve great things if you follow your vision and act with confidence. You may also encounter new opportunities or challenges that require you to step out of your comfort zone and show your skills and talents. This week is a good time to start a new project or venture that reflects your true self and passions. However, be careful not to become too arrogant or selfish with your ambitions, as the number 1 can also indicate egoism and isolation. Remember to cooperate with others and appreciate their contributions.

Tarot Base: The tarot card drawn from a full deck based on the dominant planet of the week is The Tower. The Tower is associated with Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio and the planet of transformation. The Tower depicts a sudden and shocking event that shatters your illusions and brings down your structures. It can indicate a crisis, a disaster, a revelation, or a breakthrough. This week, you may experience something that changes your life dramatically and forces you to face reality. You may lose something or someone that you thought was secure or stable. You may discover something that challenges your beliefs or values. You may have a breakthrough that liberates you from your limitations or fears. Whatever happens this week will be unexpected and unavoidable, but it will also be necessary for your growth and evolution. The Tower can suggest health improvements or lifestyle changes if you are willing to let go of what is unhealthy or harmful for you and embrace what is healing and beneficial. It can also influence local, regional, or global events by causing upheavals or revolutions that expose corruption or injustice and pave the way for reform or renewal.

Tarot Opposition: The tarot card drawn from the Lenormand Tarot Deck as the opposition that can be expected this week is The Crossroads. The Crossroads depicts a woman standing at a fork in the road with two options ahead of her. It indicates a decision, a dilemma, or a choice that needs to be made. This week, you may face a situation that requires you to choose between two paths or outcomes. You may feel torn between two possibilities or alternatives that have different consequences or implications. You may have to weigh the pros and cons of each option carefully before making up your mind. The Crossroads can also indicate uncertainty, doubt, confusion, or hesitation that prevents you from taking action or moving forward. You may feel stuck or indecisive about what to do next or which way to go. You may need more information or guidance before making a decision.

Demonology: The most influential demon of week 46 is Duke Bifrons. He is a great duke of hell who appears as a monster before adopting a more human form. He teaches astrology, geometry, mathematics, and other sciences. He also moves corpses from one place to another and makes candles from human fat. His area of greatest influence and interest is knowledge, especially occult knowledge.

Bifrorn dux hafaþ willan þæt hē þisne wucan his cunnung and mægen brucan wille to þam þætte hē gebigan mæge gewylde gecyndes and lifes. Hē mæg forþon gewyrcan sumu egeslice wundor geond þā gecynde, oþþe sumu micel farcweolmas, oþþe sumu ungewitende, þā þe deap and forwyrd brengan. Eac hē mæg þencean sume dēade lichoman oþþe sawla to æristenne to his āgnum þearfe. Hē is þonne swyðe gebisgode þæm þe syndon gecīgde be þām geciernessum deapes, oþþe þæm þe willaþ deap becwēþan in ænigre wīsan. Eac hē is geteohhod þæm þe syndon on necromantia, oþþe on alchimiæ, oþþe on oþre swelcum gelapum geþylde. To þam þætte þu mæge æscunian his geþylde, þu scealt arwurðian þone gecyndlican gesetnes lifes and deapes, and þu scealt geswīcan ælces gemeninges wiþ þā dēadan oþþe þā undeadan. Eac þu scealt geswīcan þæs þæt þu his naman oþþe his insegle brūce, oþþe þæt þu hine ænigre wīsan cīge.

He is most likely to manifest his power somewhere near Everett, Washington, USA (47.96, -122.202), where there is a cemetery that has been vandalized and haunted by strange phenomena.

Angelology: The most influential angel of week 46 is Jerahmeel. He is an archangel who is also known as the angel of dreams. He communicates hopeful messages from God to people who are discouraged or troubled. He also helps people interpret their dreams and understand their meanings. His area of greatest influence and interest is vision, especially spiritual vision.

Jerahmeel hafaþ willan þæt hē þisne wucan his mildeheortnesse and gife brucan wille to þam þætte hē helpe þæm þe syndon on sārnesse oþþe on gedrefe. Hē mæg forþon gebringan frōfor, oþþe līþe, oþþe swēte reste þæm þe beoþ on sorgum, oþþe on geswencnessum, oþþe on gedrefede. Eac hē mæg onstellan cyst, oþþe geornfulnesse, oþþe forgifenesse on þæm þe beoþ on yrre, oþþe on andsware, oþþe on biternesse. Hē is þonne swyðe gebisgode þæm þe syndon eadmodlice, and þancollice, and geleaffullice. Eac hē is geteohhod þæm þe syndon on ælmesgeorcnisse, oþþe on læcecræfte, oþþe on gāstlīcnesse. To þam þætte þu mæge æscunian his geþylde, þu ne scealt his þurfan, forþon þe hē ne helpeþ þæm buton þæm þe wēna syndon þæs, oþþe þe hit geornfullice biddaþ. Eac þu scealt geswīcan þæs þæt þu his naman oþþe his insegle brūce, oþþe þæt þu hine ænigre wīsan cīge for gītsere oþþe for yfele.

He is most likely to manifest his power somewhere near Simi Valley, California, USA (34.266, -118.767), where there is a church that has a stained glass window depicting him.

Divination Method: The method of most significance for week 46 is Crystal Gazing (divination by gazing into a crystal). This is a method that involves gazing into a clear or dark reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, a mirror, or water. This opens the mind’s eye until symbols or images appear. These can be interpreted to help answer questions, make predictions, or just help you with problems you are experiencing. This method can be used this week to tap into the powerful energy of Scorpio and Pluto, which can enhance your intuition and insight. You may also receive visions or messages from the angel Jerahmeel or the demon Bifrons through this method, so be careful and discerning about what you see or hear. The typical practitioner of this method is a solo craft, although some may have a master or an apprentice to assist them. They develop the skill through practice and concentration, although some may have a natural talent for it.

Occult Practice: The occult practice of week 46 is Demonology. This is the study of demons, evil spirits, and more generally, supernatural entities considered to be malevolent. Many religions and cultures have various concepts of demons and how they interact with humans. Some view them as fallen angels, others as spirits of nature or ancestors, others as manifestations of psychological forces. Some people practice demonology to gain knowledge, power, or protection from demons, while others practice it to worship or summon them. This practice is relevant this week because of the influence of the demon Duke Bifrons, who may try to deceive or harm people with his teachings or actions. The typical practitioner of this practice is either a solo or a group craft, depending on their purpose and approach. They may develop the skill through research, experimentation, or ritual, or they may be born with the talent or inclination for it.

Color: The color that is waxing in power this week is black. Black is the color of mystery, secrecy, power, and death. It is also the color of Scorpio and Pluto, which are dominant this week. Black can help you access your hidden potential, transform yourself, and protect yourself from harm. However, black can also indicate negativity, fear, depression, and evil. The color that you should avoid this week is yellow. Yellow is the color of light, joy, optimism, and intellect. It is also the color of the Sun, which is opposite Scorpio and Pluto this week. Yellow can make you feel cheerful, confident, and curious. However, yellow can also indicate cowardice, deceit, jealousy, and madness.

Food: The food that is waxing in power this week is garlic. Garlic is a food that has many health benefits, such as boosting immunity, lowering blood pressure, and fighting infections. It is also a food that has many magical properties, such as warding off evil spirits, enhancing psychic abilities, and attracting love. Garlic can help you stay healthy, strong, and protected this week. However, garlic can also cause bad breath, indigestion, and allergies. The food that you should avoid this week is honey. Honey is a food that has many health benefits, such as soothing sore throats, healing wounds, and providing energy. It is also a food that has many magical properties, such as sweetening relationships, attracting wealth and enhancing spirituality. Honey can help you feel happy, prosperous, and connected this week. However, honey can also cause cavities, allergies, and addiction.

Number: The number that is waxing in power this week is 9. 9 is the number of completion, wisdom, and compassion. It is also the number of Scorpio and Pluto, which are dominant this week. 9 can help you achieve your goals, learn from your experiences, and help others. However, 9 can also indicate endings, loss, and sacrifice. The number that you should avoid this week is 3. 3 is the number of creativity, communication, and expression. It is also the number of the Sun, which is opposite Scorpio and Pluto this week. 3 can help you express yourself, explore new ideas, and have fun. However, 3 can also indicate distraction, gossip, and superficiality.

Company to Watch: The merchant to watch for week 46 is Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD). This is a media and entertainment company that owns and operates various brands, such as HBO, CNN, DC Comics, and Discovery Channel. This company is influenced by the powerful stellium of planets in Scorpio this week, which can bring about transformation, secrets, and power struggles. This company may undergo major changes in its structure, leadership, or strategy. It may also face challenges or opportunities related to its content, audience, or competitors. It may also reveal or conceal some information that could affect its reputation or performance. Beware of the Tower that looms over this company, as it may bring sudden shocks or surprises that could shake its foundations or topple its towers. Be also wary of the Crossroads that confronts this company, as it may have to make a crucial decision that could determine its fate or direction. The merchant to watch for week 46 is Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc., a raven among the doves that may soar or fall with the winds of change.

With this, we conclude my channeling for week 46 of 2023. May you find it useful, illuminating, and engaging. An den fur a wel ar bed evel ma'z eo, ket evel ma fell dezhañ e vefe, o zeskañ dinomp da lezel da vont hor gontañoù hag da gaout an gwirionez. Let go of our expectations and accept reality. Remember, the future is not fixed, but shaped by your choices and actions. You have the power to create your own destiny, but you also have to face the changes and the challenges of your deeds. Be wise, be brave, and be true to yourself.

This is fantasy fiction. No persons or entities, reputation(s), trademarks, or brand are intended to be besmirched or defamed. The "Strange of the Week" divination and forecast provided herein is intended solely for entertainment purposes. The insights and predictions shared are based on mystical and occult practices, and should not be taken as factual or guaranteed outcomes. Please be advised that our counsel does not constitute professional advice of any kind. We are not qualified to provide legal, medical, or investment advice, and our insights should not be used as a substitute for your own research or professional advice from qualified practitioners. Any actions taken based on our divinations and forecasts are at your own discretion and risk. We accept no liability or responsibility for any actions taken or not taken as a result of our channeling. Furthermore, we do not guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information provided. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability. By engaging with our "Strange of the Week" divination and forecast, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the mystic, their agents, any affiliated parties, and any non-living, otherworldly, or supernatural entities involved in the provision of our counsel from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of our counsel. Please note that any interactions with non-living, otherworldly, or supernatural entities are at your own risk. We do not accept any liability for any consequences, physical, mental, spiritual, or otherwise, that may result from such interactions. We reserve the right to enhance and retroactively apply changes to this disclaimer (as a living thing), without notice, to accommodate new and emerging or creative legal theories (not to be limited to defamation or the law of torts). Again, the "Strange of the Week" is a fiction. It is unfortunate that such legal armor is necessary proof against itchy and scratchy attorneys-at-law.


Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.